Cam Safer Swim Initiative

The Cam Valley Forum recently consulted about designating part of the River Cam as a “Bathing Water”. This would benefit river users by prompting work to improve the quality of the water.  Our proposals are here:


We were delighted to receive 75 responses and have distilled these in a response document:

We are now forming a steering group to take forward a ‘Cam Safer Swim Initiative’. Action areas include:

  • Making local improvements at bathing locations
  • Gathering data on recreational use of the river
  • Monitoring water quality
  • Pressing for better wastewater treatment and an end to combined sewer overflows
  • Reducing diffuse pollution from fields and roads
  • Pursuing dialogue with a wide range of interests

If you would be interested in helping in any of these areas, or have any comments and suggestions, please get in touch

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