10 top tips for saving water

To help save our chalk streams:

  1. Go to www.cambridge-water.co.uk/saving-water and join GetWaterFit, the interactive on-line tool that provides advice and from which you can order free water-saving products.  If your water supply is not metered, apply to have a free smart meter installed.  This gives an incentive to save water and is likely to save you about £150 pa on water charges.
  2. Don’t flush every time you pee- ‘If it’s yellow let it mellow, if it’s brown flush it down!’  Reduce the quantity of water used by WC cisterns.  If you have dual flush, use the lesser flush whenever appropriate.  If not, put a hippo in your cistern:  https://www.hippo-the-watersaver.co.uk/.
  3. Fit aerators to taps. These add tiny soft bubbles that reduce the flow of water by about half while maintaining the water pressure, they can be fitted to most taps and are inexpensive.  The water feels nicer and soaks better. https://www.bestproductsreviews.co.uk/tap-aerators .  Taps that provide boiling water will also save water because they can give water of any desired temperature instantly.  These are available from www.quooker.co.uk.
  4. Have brief showers instead of baths.  https://www.bestproductsreviews.co.uk/water-saving-shower-head has an excellent choice of shower heads that use much less water and by aerating the water to give a better soaking shower.
  5. Only turn on taps as far as needed for the task, the full flow is often unnecessary.  Don’t run the tap when brushing teeth. Use a bowl when washing veg or washing-up by hand.  Then, instead of pouring the water down the drain, water plants with it
  6. Washing machines can use more than 100 litres on some programmes and dishwashers more than 20 litres. When buying new appliances select water efficient ones and use Eco programmes.  Wait until appliances are nearly full before setting them to go.
  7. Install water butts with drain downpipe connectors and water plants with rainwater. If necessary during dry spells refill water butts with water recycled, for example from baths or showers
  8. Take prompt action to have any leaky appliances in the house, such as dripping taps or cisterns, repaired or replaced.  Report any leaking water mains to the Cambridge Water Company on 01223 706050.
  9. Engage in consultations with organisations such as schools and businesses and encourage them to monitor and reduce their water consumption.
  10. Assuming a hosepipe ban is not in place, please use your hosepipes sparingly.  Aim the hose at the base of plants most in need of water, and water them in early morning or evenings when water will soak into the ground rather than evaporating into the air.