Help shape North East Cambridge

Interesting free “festival” happening this weekend (Saturday and Sunday) to help shape the environmental aspects of the plans for the current sewage works site, ie North East Cambridge

Looks like an interesting opportunity to meet with the developers’ sustainability experts, to learn and influence the development

U+I and TOWN, together with Anglian Water and Cambridge City Council, will host a weekend festival of talks, workshops and family activities to help shape plans for the Core Site, North East Cambridge.

The event will take place on Saturday 29th October between 10am – 5pm, and Sunday 30th October between 11am – 4pm and you can drop in whenever you wish. 

Extracts from the programme

1pm Saturday Workshop: Design a neighbourhood fit for the future: Join Useful Projects to discuss building a neighbourhood at the Core Site that is fit for this and the next century.

2pm Saturday ‘Living alongside nature’: LOLA, the Core Site Landscape architects, will discuss landscaping principles and how we actively design for nature.:

3pm Saturday Workshop: Design a place where humans and nature thrive: Join LOLA landscape architects and Kjellander Sjöberg architects to explore how we can create places where both humans and nature thrive

4pm Saturday Workshop: Design a water conscious place: Useful Projects will present approaches to minimising water use as part of a holistic approach to sustainable development

Details and booking here